Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slow going

I checked on the bees the other day and still little progress with them moving up in too the next super. It should be soon since I have seen an increased amount of bees hanging around the opening and bring in pollen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Final high rise addition to the hive

     I just installed the new stand that I had built for my little flying friends to get them further off the ground and promote better air flow and it does fit nicely. Witnessed a wasp trying to get inside the hive yesterday, boy the bees did not take kindly to this intrusion. After a few tries the guardian bees finally took matters into their own stingers and away went the wasp. The water bowl that is located next to the hive to keep them out of the pool seems to be doing its job, only found a few bodies floating in the pool.
     Had the opportunity to help extract some honey from the local bee keepers combs and I will say it is one messy job, but it was also exciting. Maybe in a few more weeks I will be able to install the honey super on my hive.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New addition

Well I decided since the hive has arrived home, I did not like how they were setting low to the ground on the paving blocks. I had a few minutes free the other night so I made a bee hive stand for them to rest uponout of some scrap lumber laying around. After slapping a few coats of paint to ward of the oncoming wood rot that will happen under the pleasant 80% humidity and sunshine, it is complete.
      I will place the bees upon their new throne in a couple of days after the new paint smell disappears. I opened the hive to take a peek last night and the kids are doing wonderful. There is new comb being made in the second super and everyone looked happy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The next day

     Once the sun came up and curiosity got the better of me, I went outside to see what was happening to the hive. I found about a half dozen bees hovering in close proximity to the opening, with other just sitting there guarding the entrance. As I watched, two bees flew into the water bowl, one landed on the rock and the other landed in the water, I do not have to tell you which one survived. Later today the delivery of my bee equipment arrived.

Bees coming home.

     Yesterday was the day that I have been waiting for. My children were coming home. Went to the local beekeeper and was shown my hive of bee’s that would call my property home. After waiting for the rain to die down, he opened the hive to show the beautiful bounty that lies within. We then strapped the box in the back of my truck and away we went.  Once I arrived home and donned a thick flannel jacket to ward off the angry bees, I placed the hive on the foundation and placed a water bowl next to the hive with a couple of rocks to keep them from drowning. Now was the time we were waiting for, the removal of the tape holding them inside. Slowly I peeled off the tape waiting to dash away screaming as hundreds of angry bees poured out, nothing happened.
     One bee finally poked his head out and looked around then went back inside. A minute later several more bees appeared and just sat there looking around at their new environment. I decided to let the bees acclimate and went to bed.

Starting Out

     I cleared a patch of weeds in my backyard for the foundation of my upcoming bee hive. After hauling 50 buckets of dirt to level it out, I placed ten foot round plastic ring on the ground and filled it with cypress mulch. I then placed eight paving blocks with a 2x4 across for a foundation. Then I ordered the bee helmets for my wife and I as well as a smoker and hive tool.