Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting ready for some wax

I finally got around to cleaning the left over capping from extracting the honey. I rinsed all the honey off and will use a double boiler to melt the wax and strain it through cheese cloth to get the impurities out. After that I will make a couple of beeswax candles. Good to have around during the hurricane season.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting some honey finally

Thursday afternoon we finally managed to get together and take some sweet bounty form the kids.  After carefully pulling the top off and deciding how much to take, we decided on four deep frames.

After bring the frames in the house after removing the many stubborn little creatures from hiding in the comb, we started to use the uncapping knife to remove the outer layer of wax to expose the honey hidden inside.

After uncapping the frames they went inside a hand crank honey extractor which flings the material on the side then it runs down  and collects at the bottom.

When the extractor was full, I then poured the honey through several layers of cheese cloth to remove the impurities. When the cloth gets full of wax and thick honey, I needed to squeeze the rest out by hand, boy what a sticky job.

After all the sticky extraction was done, the extractor was placed outside for the bees to clean up the mess that I had made. The bees took all the left over honey and returned it back the hive from where it came from. I lost a couple of hundred bees doing this so I do not think next time I will let them clean up.

Here is one of my little buddies saying "Hello".