Saturday, March 17, 2012

Getting ready for orange blossom honey.

The warm weather has finally arrived,and the orange trees are in full bloom, it is time for the lazy kids to finally stretch their wings and fly. I contacted our local bee apiary about having my bees take a road trip with his and he agreed. First, I had to take the rest of the left over Pepper tree honey from last winter and extract it. This time I recruited the help of my sister to accomplish this task. All was going well unitl one of the bees decided to checkout her foot.


We took of the entire honey super and one frame from the next box down. I would have taken more but majority of it was brood.

We then extracted the honey with the hand crank spinner and strained it through several layers of cheesecloth.

After all was done, we ended up with a gallon and half of honey.
The kids were then boxed and transported to a grove during the evening time to join their cousins to explore strange new areas, and make some orange blossom honey. We will extract thhe orange honey sometime in the middle of April.

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